personal writings from a mystic
Published on June 4, 2014 By Berura In Everything Else

Perhaps the hardest lesson to learn about any other person one is making a 'connection with' is how much information to share.  

In this society today ~ far too many people think that it is ok to share another person's information they shared in a one on one convo ~ be it online/email/text or face to face (F2F).


When a person does that sort of behavior it makes it less likely that person will be trusted with much other information which in turn leaves the person who has misappropriated information from personal convos miserably alone and deeper and deeper into a world of bitter loneliness.  


Now the person who was robbed of choosing who and when and where they wanted their info shared also learns some lessons of course.


In the end what is left is a fallout that did nothing to create an atmosphere that encouraged open personal growth and each person will now have to figure out how to adjust and live on without taking on the heavy baggage of hurts and suffering and pain.


When a private convo is shared with any others it is safe to say somethings from that moment will be lost when shared elsewhere and often is twisted according to the twisted repetition from the one repeating such. It becomes even more tragic when the person sharing say emails has changed the wording of said emails.  THAT crosses the boundaries of innocent carelessness to deliberate intentions of ill will.


In gentler ways of living the people who have deliberate intentions of ill will are best left in the outer most circles until and unless their personal growth is demonstrated through changed behaviors.


(I am putting this under the Everything Else Category ...... nothing really seems to fit my GWOL for now.)

on Jun 05, 2014

Sadly, this is very true. 

on Jun 05, 2014

I agree with Barb.  Seems that people now a days have a different set of standards than we grew up with.  That's why I stick to those born in the 40-50's.

on Jun 05, 2014

Unfortunately this happens more and more.  Private means private - not for sharing and if you feel the need to share - ASK the original sender first and use a direct quote - no fudging, no alterations. 

on Jun 05, 2014

There is an old saying.. You are your own worst enemy. Keep your damn mouth SHUT!. The OP speaks truth. The younger generation doesn't seem to give a damn about others privacy, or confidentiality any more. Especially on social media. If you don't want "everyone" to know something that is your own personal business. Basically don't say anything at all. Yes it is sad.

on Jun 05, 2014
on Jun 05, 2014

Sadly, this is very true. 



Thanks so much for stopping in and leaving a note.

on Jun 05, 2014
on Jun 05, 2014

I agree with Barb.  Seems that people now a days have a different set of standards than we grew up with.  That's why I stick to those born in the 40-50's.



Hi WOM.  I think it even goes beyond a different set of standards.  There can be no concerns when carelessness is something that has not even been considered.  I tend to go backwards into looking at families where the child is born.  NOW I am not saying that once a child grows up that they can blame their family of origin for their lack of that or this or whatever.  I actually think regardless of what we got or did not get from our childhood we must once we become an adult take responsibility for ourselves  and go digging if need be for how to behave in ways that are conducive to good solid relationships whether friendships or other relationships.


Thanks so much for stopping in and sharing a little here.

on Jun 05, 2014
on Jun 05, 2014

Unfortunately this happens more and more.  Private means private - not for sharing and if you feel the need to share - ASK the original sender first and use a direct quote - no fudging, no alterations. 


Hi Boopish.  YES it does seem to be happening more and more.  I am suspect that with the advancement of so many ways to communicate other than Face to Face that the lack of teaching concern and care for others in those sorts of venues is really showing up.  Time for new etiquette books to be written maybe?!!  lol


Thanks so much for sharing a little of your own thoughts here.

on Jun 05, 2014
on Jun 05, 2014

There is an old saying.. You are your own worst enemy. Keep your damn mouth SHUT!. The OP speaks truth. The younger generation doesn't seem to give a damn about others privacy, or confidentiality any more. Especially on social media. If you don't want "everyone" to know something that is your own personal business. Basically don't say anything at all. Yes it is sad.



Hi Major Stress.  (whoooaaaaaaaaaa I may not know you but I do know about major stress which I have tried over the past ten years to seriously reduce).  


I must agree on a person level ~ I am my worst enemy.  Not so much a problem for me to keep my muoth shut especially about others but surely difficult for me to recognize NOT to trust every tome, dick and harry.  


Thanks so much for stopping in here and leaving a few of your thoughts.

on Jun 05, 2014

Is very sad.  But true.  

on Jun 05, 2014

It's called Gossip and it's been around ever since two people had a third person to talk about. It has simply gotten easier and faster to spread. We've gone from cave paintings to smoke signals to backyard fences to telephones, and now to internet. Regardless of it's speed, it's still gossip.

on Jun 05, 2014

Berura...if you wish to quote someone (response), just mouse over the bar at the bottom of the response you wish to quote and click the " button.


on Jun 05, 2014


Berura...if you wish to quote someone (response), just mouse over the bar at the bottom of the response you wish to quote and click the " button.


Had me wondering what he was doing...